Valentyna Koudelkova
Age: 24 years, 6 months
2018 VSI SC Senior Championshi
Richmond , VA , 3/1/2018 to 3/4/2018
Team:VAYOBX - Age:17Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#5 Girls 100 Breast | 61 | 1:10.69 | 1:11.44 | 0.75 |
#19 Girls 200 Breast | 63 | 2:31.78 | 2:36.55 | 4.77 |
#31 Girls 100 Free | 120 | 56.16 | 56.89 | 0.73 |
2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung
Cary , NC , 1/12/2018 to 1/15/2018
Team:VAUN-0 - Age:17Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#7B Girls 15 & Over 200 Breast | 17 | 2:31.78 | 2:42.97 | 11.19 |
#9B Girls 15 & Over 50 Free | 44 | 26.32 | 27.75 | 1.43 |
#47B Girls 15 & Over 100 Free | 38 | 56.16 | 1:00.03 | 3.87 |
#51B Girls 15 & Over 100 Breast | 18 | 1:10.69 | 1:16.22 | 5.53 |
#53B Girls 15 & Over 200 Medley | 35 | 2:19.31 | 2:30.35 | 11.04 |
757 Grand Illumination Invitat
Williamsburg , VA , 12/1/2017 to 12/3/2017
Team:VAUN - Age:17Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#9 Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Free | 14 | 2:03.41 | 2:08.56 | 5.15 |
#27 Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Breast | 2 | 2:31.78 | 2:40.69 | 8.91 |
#47 Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Free | 13 | 56.16 | 59.46 | 3.30 |
#67 Girls 15 & Over 200 Medley | 14 | 2:19.31 | 2:28.86 | 9.55 |
#93 Girls 15 & Over 100 Breast | 4 | 1:10.69 | 1:16.10 | 5.41 |
#101 Girls 15 & Over 50 Free | 21 | 26.32 | 28.06 | 1.74 |
2017 VA SC SR Championships
Stafford , VA , 3/2/2017 to 3/5/2017
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#5 Girls 100 Breast | 65 | 1:11.14 | 1:10.69 | -0.45 |
#19 Girls 200 Breast | 54 | 2:35.34 | 2:31.78 | -3.56 |
#31 Girls 100 Free | 97 | 56.89 | 56.16 | -0.73 |
2017 Tidewater Region Champion
Newport News , VA , 2/24/2017 to 2/26/2017
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#3B Girls 15 & Over 200 Free | 23 | 2:03.41 | 2:05.70 | 2.29 |
#11B Girls 15 & Over 400 Yard Medley | 14 | 5:01.20 | 5:05.40 | 4.20 |
TAC's 2017 Winter Bash
Noroflk , VA , 1/28/2017 to 1/29/2017
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#47 Girls 1650 Yard Free | 6 | 19:49.81 | 19:48.74 | -1.07 |
2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung
Cary , NC , 1/13/2017 to 1/15/2017
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#7 Girls 13 & Over 500 Yard Free | 33 | 5:29.82 | 5:30.74 | 0.92 |
#9B Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Breast | 14 | 2:35.34 | 2:36.76 | 1.42 |
#11B Girls 15 & Over 50 Free | 37 | 26.32 | 27.25 | 0.93 |
#15B Girls 15 & Over 200 Free | 21 | 2:03.41 | 2:05.97 | 2.56 |
#49B Girls 15 & Over 100 Free | 33 | 56.89 | 58.78 | 1.89 |
#53B Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Breast | 13 | 1:12.30 | 1:14.29 | 1.99 |
#55B Girls 15 & Over 200 Medley | 24 | 2:19.31 | 2:26.73 | 7.42 |
WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa
Newport News , VA , 12/2/2016 to 12/4/2016
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#9B Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Free | 7 | 2:03.41 | 2:07.07 | 3.66 |
#13B Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Breast | 4 | 2:35.34 | 2:38.03 | 2.69 |
#15B Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Medley | 3 | 2:19.31 | 2:24.76 | 5.45 |
#53B Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Breast | 5 | 1:12.30 | 1:12.66 | 0.36 |
#57B Girls 15 & Over 500 Yard Free | 5 | 5:29.82 | 5:31.58 | 1.76 |
#61B Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Back | 2 | 2:26.62 | 2:25.34 | -1.28 |
2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther
Cary , NC , 11/11/2016 to 11/13/2016
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#11B Girls 15 & Over 100 Free | 72 | 56.89 | 59.49 | 2.60 |
#15B Girls 15 & Over 100 Breast | 19 | 1:12.30 | 1:13.24 | 0.94 |
#17B Girls 15 & Over 200 Medley | 56 | 2:19.31 | 2:24.94 | 5.63 |
#47B Girls 15 & Over 200 Breast | 13 | 2:35.34 | 2:37.38 | 2.04 |
#49B Girls 15 & Over 50 Free | 59 | 26.32 | 27.84 | 1.52 |
#53B Girls 15 & Over 200 Free | 41 | 2:03.41 | 2:06.97 | 3.56 |
TAC's 2016 Monster Bash
Norfolk , VA , 10/29/2016 to 10/30/2016
Team:VAOBX - Age:16Event | Place | Entry | Time | Diff |
#29 Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Free | 6 | 56.89 | 57.67 | 0.78 |
#33 Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Medley | 5 | 2:19.31 | 2:23.22 | 3.91 |
#35 Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Breast | 2 | 2:35.34 | 2:37.82 | 2.48 |
#39 Girls 13 & Over 500 Yard Free | 4 | 5:29.82 | 5:39.08 | 9.26 |
#71 Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Breast | 0 | 1:12.30 | DQ | - |
#75 Girls 13 & Over 50 Yard Free | 4 | 26.32 | 27.29 | 0.97 |
#77 Girls 13 & Over 400 Yard Medley | 2 | 5:01.20 | 5:03.10 | 1.90 |
Event | Meet | Date | Time | Diff |
50 Free SCY | 2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/13/18 | 27.75 | -0.31 |
50 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 28.06 | 0.81 |
50 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 28.06 | 0 |
50 Free SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/17 | 27.25 | -0.59 |
50 Free SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/13/16 | 27.84 | 0.55 |
50 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | 27.29 | 0 |
50 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | 27.29 | 0 |
100 Free SCY | 2018 VSI SC Senior Championshi | 3/4/18 | 56.89 | -3.14 |
100 Free SCY | 2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/18 | 1:00.03 | 0.57 |
100 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 59.46 | 3.3 |
100 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 59.46 | 0 |
100 Free SCY | 2017 VA SC SR Championships | 3/5/17 | 56.16 | -2.62 |
100 Free SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/15/17 | 58.78 | -0.71 |
100 Free SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/12/16 | 59.49 | 1.82 |
100 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 57.67 | 0 |
100 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 57.67 | 0 |
100 Breast SCY | 2018 VSI SC Senior Championshi | 3/2/18 | 1:11.44 | -4.78 |
100 Breast SCY | 2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/18 | 1:16.22 | 0.12 |
100 Breast SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 1:16.10 | 5.41 |
100 Breast SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 1:16.10 | 0 |
100 Breast SCY | 2017 VA SC SR Championships | 3/3/17 | 1:10.69 | -3.6 |
100 Breast SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/15/17 | 1:14.29 | 1.63 |
100 Breast SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 1:12.66 | -0.58 |
100 Breast SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 1:12.66 | 0 |
100 Breast SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/12/16 | 1:13.24 | 0 |
100 Breast SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | DQ | 0 |
100 Breast SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | DQ | 0 |
200 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 2:08.56 | 0 |
200 Free SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 2:08.56 | 2.86 |
200 Free SCY | 2017 Tidewater Region Champion | 2/24/17 | 2:05.70 | -0.27 |
200 Free SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/17 | 2:05.97 | -1.1 |
200 Free SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:07.07 | 0.1 |
200 Free SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:07.07 | 0 |
200 Free SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/13/16 | 2:06.97 | 0 |
200 Back SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 2:25.34 | 0 |
200 Back SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 2:25.34 | 0 |
200 Breast SCY | 2018 VSI SC Senior Championshi | 3/3/18 | 2:36.55 | -6.42 |
200 Breast SCY | 2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/13/18 | 2:42.97 | 2.28 |
200 Breast SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 2:40.69 | 0 |
200 Breast SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/2/17 | 2:40.69 | 8.91 |
200 Breast SCY | 2017 VA SC SR Championships | 3/4/17 | 2:31.78 | -4.98 |
200 Breast SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/17 | 2:36.76 | -1.27 |
200 Breast SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:38.03 | 0 |
200 Breast SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:38.03 | 0.65 |
200 Breast SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/13/16 | 2:37.38 | -0.44 |
200 Breast SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 2:37.82 | 0 |
200 Breast SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 2:37.82 | 0 |
200 Medley SCY | 2018 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/14/18 | 2:30.35 | 1.49 |
200 Medley SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 2:28.86 | 2.13 |
200 Medley SCY | 757 Grand Illumination Invitat | 12/3/17 | 2:28.86 | 0 |
200 Medley SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/15/17 | 2:26.73 | 1.97 |
200 Medley SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:24.76 | -0.18 |
200 Medley SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/3/16 | 2:24.76 | 0 |
200 Medley SCY | 2016 NC TAC TITANS Big Souther | 11/12/16 | 2:24.94 | 1.72 |
200 Medley SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 2:23.22 | 0 |
200 Medley SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 2:23.22 | 0 |
400 Medley SCY | 2017 Tidewater Region Champion | 2/24/17 | 5:05.40 | 0 |
400 Medley SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | 5:03.10 | 0 |
400 Medley SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/30/16 | 5:03.10 | 0 |
500 Free SCY | 2017 NC TAC TITANS Polar Plung | 1/13/17 | 5:30.74 | -0.84 |
500 Free SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 5:31.58 | -7.5 |
500 Free SCY | WAC - Mike Willard Invitationa | 12/4/16 | 5:31.58 | 0 |
500 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 5:39.08 | 0 |
500 Free SCY | TAC's 2016 Monster Bash | 10/29/16 | 5:39.08 | 0 |
1650 Free SCY | TAC's 2017 Winter Bash | 1/29/17 | 19:48.74 | 0 |